Actualités de la réhabilitation psychosociale
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The Day Therapy Center (Centre Thérapeutique de Jour, CTJ) in the adult psychiatric ward at Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar (HCC) receives patients in a day hospital or outpatients.
The Day Therapy Center (Centre Thérapeutique de Jour, CTJ) in the adult psychiatric ward at Colmar Civil Hospital (Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar) has diverse missions.
Neuropsychological assessment
Cognitive impairment is the best predictive factor of functional outcomes. Cognitive testing therefore helps assess cognitive functioning impairments caused by mood disorder to increase the quality of life of patients and their relatives and friends.
Cognitive assessment
Cognitive assessment helps
Cognitive remediation in individual therapy
Cognitive functions improvements have positive impacts on the patient’s socio-professional reinsertion. Individual sessions aim at restoring personal, social and professional autonomy (as much as possible) by designing and applying specific strategies and techniques, thus reducing disorders and make the best of preserved abilities.
Cognitive stimulation workshop
A cognitive stimulation workshop is organized to stimulate outpatients’ cognitive functions. We therefore work on:
Therapeutic education and group discussions
They make use of the most relevant aspects of other psychotherapies:
Advice, training and support
Parallel to the patient cognitive assessment and treatment, it is essential to offer advice, information and support to the patients and their relatives, friends, co-workers and caregivers. The benefits of the cognitive treatment can therefore be applied to every aspect of everyday life (functional outcomes of cognitive impairments, compensatory strategies used by relatives, information on cognitive effects of psycho-active drugs, etc.).
Information and training
Diverse activities focusing on cognitive impairments in patients with psychiatric disorder are organized in order to
Patients can be sent by an HCC or outside (non-hospital) health professional. Patients may get an appointment from the CTJ secretariat.
Activities are organized in diverse groups. Several groups have been designed to focus on bipolar disorders (recognized by the ARS in February 2011). One group focuses on depression, one group trains social skills and self-expression, and one group deals with cognitive behavioral therapies.
Discussion, information and advice group for bipolar patients and their relatives - Its main objectives are relapse prevention (manic/hypomanic/mixed-manic episodes and depressions) and hospitalization. Provided information helps fight the symptoms.
Post office protocol
Psychotherapy program with personal objectives for patients with bipolar disorder. Its objectives are:
IDEM-Depression group
IDEM-Depression group (Information, Discovery, Exchange and Mobilization group on depression) is intended for inpatients or outpatients. Its objectives are to:
Training group on social skills and self-expression
The training group on social skills and self-expression helps:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT)
CBTs use various learning theories and cognitive science theories and are therefore a complement to a neuropsychological approach. Techniques developed by CBTs are particularly useful for anxiety disorders, OCDs, phobias and mood disorders. Most of the work consist in identifying automatic thinking and thinking schema which may limit functioning. It also focuses on designing alternative schema, more flexible and more adaptable.
39 avenue de la Liberté 68024 Colmar Cedex
Telephone: 03 89 12 40 00