en fr

Les Murets Medicopsychological Center (CMP les Murets)

This day hospital is part of the first psychiatric ward of Val-de-Marne which is affiliated to the Les Murets Hospital. This structure is located in Fontenay-sous-Bois and receives patients from Fontenay-sous-Bois and Vincennes.


This day hospital receives and treats patients at daytime who have severe psychic disorders that impair their autonomy.

It has 16 places for day care. The reception is on a part-time basis, and the active patient population is around 30. Apart from day care activities, the institution is oriented towards psychosocial rehabilitation with the aim of helping patients acquire social skills and reintegrate into the society and their workplace.

We cooperate with the attending psychiatrist as well as different healthcare partners: CMP (medical-psychological centers), foster homes, ESAT (vocational rehabilitation centers), GEM (Mutual peer support groups), CATTP (part-time therapy centers), SAMSAH (Medico-social support service for disabled adults)…


This center aims at:

  • Improving the insertion and rehabilitation of patients with psychosis by means of psychosocial therapies, especially by using cognitive remediation programs
  • Improving cognitive functions
  • Improving symptoms
  • Accomplishing social and professional projects
  • Improving the quality of life
  • Improving self-respect
  • Improving the health
  • Developing autonomy

Target population

It is intended for adult patients with chronic psychic disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and personality disorder) who are followed up in the catchment area, relatively stabilized and having difficulty in cognition, daily life organization and autonomy. We support them in a project intended for social and professional reinsertion.

Treatments offered

We offer individualized treatment by providing individual care and group activities such as:

  • regular follow-up and interviews for medical and nursing support
  • Personal development and work on self-esteem through cultural activities, creation and sports
  • Specific cognitive remediation programs (RECOS [Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia] and CRT [Cognitive Remediation Therapy])
  • Work on communication with others and problem solving (Michael’s game, social skills training)
  • Individualized support in life projects and work projects (psychosocial rehabilitation)

Mode of admission

Admission request can be submitted by the attending psychiatrist by letter. The patient will be received by a psychiatrist and the caregiving team for a preadmission interview, during which they introduce the structure and the care proposed. The patient will also undergo a psychomotor assessment.

After the initial assessment, the team will hold a meeting to study the request in light of the first interview, in order to fix precise objectives.

In the end, during the admission meeting, they will propose an individualized care plan to the patient, which may include a neuropsychological assessment if indication suggests it.


Head clinician: Dr Marie Laporte-Many

Associated organizations

We cooperate with CMPs (medical-psychological centers) and CATTPs (part-time therapy centers) in the psychiatric field who propose:

  • An assertiveness group
  • A therapeutic education program for patients with schizophrenia (ARSIMED, a program authorized by ARS), and for their families

We are also in connection with other actors of reinsertion:

  • Clubhouse
  • ESAT (vocational rehabilitation centers), mainly in partnership with the ESAT of Chennevières organizing discovery days twice a year
  • GEM, connection strengthened by our peer helping mediator, Mrs Kathy Abitbol
  • SAMSAH (Medico-social support service for disabled adults) of Val Mandé
  • Assisted nursing facilities


Plaquette de présentation CMP Muret


Hopital de jour
8 rue Anatole France
94120 Fontenay-sous-bois